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This page contains a list of common "myths" based on players' own observations, together with links to pages where the topics have been dealt with.

Important preliminary remarks

Average relative frequency (%)
of V8 Engines per Box


V8 Engine
Daily Kit BoxExcellent: Sample size >= 1,000 (3,120 cards) Daily Kit Box †0.83
Engine Box 1-5Excellent: Sample size >= 1,000 (1,452 cards) Engine Box 1-510.33
Extra Fusion BoxGood: Sample size >= 600 (828 cards) Extra Fusion Box †0.48
Finish Line BoxExcellent: Sample size >= 1,000 (2,070 cards) Finish Line Box2.13
Multiplayer Pro BoxGood: Sample size >= 600 (930 cards) Multiplayer Pro Box0.65
Optimal Shuffle BoxExcellent: Sample size >= 1,000 (1,024 cards) Optimal Shuffle Box0.39
Optimal Split BoxExcellent: Sample size >= 1,000 (2,476 cards) Optimal Split Box0.32
Random Box 1-5Excellent: Sample size >= 1,000 (6,597 cards) Random Box 1-51.03
Starter Fusion BoxGood: Sample size >= 600 (810 cards) Starter Fusion Box †0.99
Tech Box 1-5Good: Sample size >= 600 (819 cards) Tech Box 1-50.00
Ultra Fusion BoxGood: Sample size >= 600 (796 cards) Ultra Fusion Box †0.00

Most of the "myths" result from a player's personal feeling that the game does not grant certain cards deliberately, especially when the player "needs" them. Before proceeding, it is therefore important to get the dimensions right.

As V8 Engines are needed by many cars and in large amounts, the frequency of this card is one of the most debated topics among players. The table to the right shows the current average relative frequencies of V8 Engines in the most common boxes. Tech Boxes have been excluded because they are guaranteed to grant no V8 Engine.

Most of the boxes in the table have a sufficiently large sample size so that the shown frequencies can be assumed to be close to the expected values (=drop rates). For example, a player can expect that on average, 2.13 % of the cards from Finish Line Boxes are V8 Engines.

The weighted average of all drop rates from the boxes to the right is 1.69 %. The weighted average takes into account that some boxes are more frequent than others (with the weights based on WikiProject Statistics data of 20,922 cards from these boxes since the last changes). This has the following implications:

  • On average, only 1.69 cards out of 100 will be V8 Engines.
  • A player can even have a streak of 197 cards without V8 Engines. If 3 V8 Engines follow, the drop rate is still the same.
  • Even then, it is not sure that the 3 V8 Engines will follow. The law of large numbers does not guarantee that. (See gambler's fallacy)
  • Another aspect is the number of cards needed to get a certain amount of V8 Engines. Supposed that a car needs 50 V8 Engines, a player would have to reveal 2,959 cards to obtain an average (still not guaranteed) of 50 V8 Engines.
  • A player needs a minimum of 136 cards to get at least 1 (one!) V8 Engine with a probability of 90 %. See Minimum card requirements for a detailed overview.

All this has to be considered if players think that they get "unfair" amounts of desired cards. The above-mentioned 2,959 cards are not an exception. They are the rule.

List of myths

Icon explanation:

  • Icon ok Verified and true
  • Icon warning Test ongoing
  • Icon critical Proven wrong

Claims with no icon have not yet been investigated.

Cards come to those who have them.

Icon critical This has been proven wrong for part cards. There is no "golden rule" that players have to keep a certain number of specific cards they need most. See the blog entry Asphalt 8 Myths: Cards Come to Those Who Have Them.
Icon warning As some players objected that the rule may exist for engine cards, there is an ongoing test for V8 Engines.

Cards for events are always limited.

Icon critical This has been proven wrong for Drivetrain. The frequency of Drivetrain cards during events is not significantly different. See Drivetrain is always limited during events (Asphalt myth)
Icon warning As some players objected that the rule may exist for engine cards, there is an ongoing test for V8 Engines.

Drop rates are dependent on a player's garage.

Icon warning Some players claim that the game analyzes a player's garage and decreases the drop rates for needed cards, thus making it harder for players to pro vehicles. There is an ongoing test for V8 Engines.

Drop rates decrease for recently upgraded vehicles.

Icon warning Some players believe that drop rates are decreased for cards that have recently been used to upgrade a vehicle, implying that the game "knows" that the player plans to upgrade it further. There is an ongoing test for V8 Engines.

Electric Engines are much more frequent than Serial Racing Engines.

Icon ok This is true. Electric and Hybrid Engines are nearly as frequent as common engines. See Rarity: "Felt" drop rates

V8 and i4 Engine cards are so rare, they shouldn't be of common rarity.

Icon critical This is wrong. V8 and i4 Engines are actually among the most granted engines in the entire game. See Rarity: "Felt" drop rates

V12 Engines are almost impossible to get.

Icon critical This is wrong. The frequency of V12 Engines is typical for legendary engines. See Rarity: "Felt" drop rates