Asphalt Wiki
Boosted Box (Gharial)
Boosted Box (Gharial)
"Guarantees at least 3 Gharial Blueprints every 5 openings!"
Official info
Last checked May 14, 2021
Price Tokens 250 (Tokens 50 per drop)
Drop rates -
Availability Time-limited offer

The Boosted Box (Gharial) is a Box in Asphalt Xtreme. It was introduced on July 17, 2020, after the release of the Gharial during the 2019 Winter Update.

It is the only box in the game to grant Gharial Blueprint Gharial Blueprints and Lynx Mad Cat 2018 Turbo Blueprint Lynx Mad Cat 2018 Turbo Blueprints.

Boosted Box Gharial promo image ax

Promo image


The initial box description "Guarantees at least 3 Gharial Blueprints every 5 openings!" was changed to "Gold Box with a 5x better change of getting the Garial." with the limited-time offer on April 8, 2021. This made the description wrong as the box still grants only 5 drops instead of 6 like other Gold Boxes. The offer on May 14, 2021, changed the description back to the initial wording.

Players planning to buy the box should consider that

  • the Gharial Blueprint Gharial Blueprint guarantee is only given for every fifth box;
  • the blueprint has a Class S rarity which means that apart from the guarantee, its drop chance is very low (12.6 % for Class S Blueprints in limited-time boxes, with the Gharial Blueprint being 1 of 22 Class S Blueprints);
  • the box grants only 5 instead of 6 drops.

One test buy, however, granted 5 Gharial blueprints, another even 10.


  • The box was available for a 3-day period on July 17, 2020, two days after the release of the Gharial.
  • On August 7, 2020, it was on sale for Tokens 175 for a 3-day period.
  • On January 29, 2021, it was on sale again for Tokens 175 for a 3-day period.
  • On April 8, 2021, it was offered for Tokens 125 for a 3-day period, with the description changed to "Gold Box with a 5x better change of getting the Garial.". There were rumours that the box now also granted Lynx Mad Cat 2018 Turbo Blueprint Lynx Mad Cat 2018 Turbo Blueprints.
  • With the 3-day offer starting on May 14, 2021, the reduced price changed back to Tokens 175 and the description back to "Guarantees at least 3 Gharial Blueprints every 5 openings!". It could be confirmed that the box also grants Lynx Mad Cat 2018 Turbo Blueprint Lynx Mad Cat 2018 Turbo Blueprints.

Hidden rules[]


Gharial Boosted Box with Dragon Boat Box icon ax

Gharial Boosted Box with Dragon Boat design on Android

On Android, the box initially reused the icon of the Dragon Boat Box Dragon Boat Box while on iOS it had the Gold Box Gold Box icon like other "Boosted Boxes". In subsequent offers, the Android version also had the Gold Box icon.
