Asphalt Wiki

Cards in Asphalt Nitro have the disadvantage that they cannot be bought directly. They can only be obtained through random containers, the Kit Boxes, so players never know exactly which card they get.

Besides, there are more difficulties to determine the probability of getting a card:

  • Boxes themselves have drop rates, too. While general boxes like the Racer Kit Box Racer Kit Box can be bought for Credits Credits and be won with lower leaderboard positions in Rivals or Time-Limited Events, other boxes are either much more expensive or more difficult to get.

Realistic drop rates[]

WikiProject Statistics has therefore selected 9 of the most common boxes based on their availability, resulting in a sample of currently 3,141 cards since the last changes.

  • As some of these boxes are more frequent than others, it comes naturally that players contribute more cards from these boxes than from rarer ones.
  • The amounts of cards from the different boxes were used as weights to calculate a weighted average for the frequency of every single card. This reflects both the statistical outcomes and the different availability of the boxes.
Drop rate (%)
Acceleration - D Top speed - D Handling - D Nitro - D Part - D 3.32
Acceleration - C Top speed - C Handling - C Nitro - C Part - C 2.9
Acceleration - B Top speed - B Handling - B Nitro - B Part - B 3.11
Acceleration - A Top speed - A Handling - A Nitro - A Part - A 2.2
Acceleration - S Top speed - S Handling - S Nitro - S Part - S 1.97
Common Tool Common Tool 23.59
Rare Tool Rare Tool 12.29
Legendary Tool Legendary Tool 3.47
i4 Engine i4 Engine 0.83
V6 Engine V6 Engine 1.08
V8 Engine V8 Engine 1.05
F6 Engine F6 Engine 0.86
Hybrid Engine Hybrid Engine 0.64
V10 Engine V10 Engine 0.57
V12 Engine V12 Engine 0.73
Electric Engine Electric Engine 0.29
Forced-Induction V8 Forced-Induction V8 0.48
W16 Engine W16 Engine 0.19

The list below shows the amounts of cards from each box. The table to the right contains the weighted average drop rate for each card.

See also[]


  • Kit Box – main article with an overview of all boxes available in Asphalt Nitro


  • Most common boxes – table sortable by card, with realistic drop rates of cards regardless of their rarity, based on the most common boxes
  • Average card frequencies – tables sortable by box, indicating which box grants most of a specific card
  • WikiProject Statistics – a project investigating random processes in the Asphalt games


WikiProject Statistics
The statistical data on this page is part of WikiProject Statistics.
It contains original research which may be incomplete, incorrect or biased.

