Asphalt Wiki
Optimal Shuffle Box (pre 4.2.0)
Optimal Shuffle Box (pre 4.2
"Redraw cards up to 2 times! Grants 2 Cards!"
Official info
Last checked Mar 17, 2019
Description Not checked
Sample space Not checked
Drop rates Not checked
Price -
Drop rates Common: 94.85 %
Rare: 4.51 %
Legendary: 0.64 %
Availability Daily Tasks
Daily ads
Period Jan 6, 2019 – Mar 27, 2019
Sample size 398 trials (199 boxes)
Acceptable: Sample size >= 200 (398 cards) Acceptable: Sample size >= 200
Common 372 93.47 %
Rare 16 4.02 %
Legendary 10 2.51 %
Blueprints 10 2.51 %
Engines 50 12.56 %
Tech 100 25.13 %
Parts 238 59.80 %
A8 icon engine 50 Engine cards by name
Four-Stroke 8 2.01 %
i3 0 0.00 %
i4 8 2.01 %
i5 2 0.50 %
V6 12 3.02 %
V8 2 0.50 %
V-Twin 8 2.01 %
Electric 0 0.00 %
Forced Four-Str. 0 0.00 %
High-Grade 0 0.00 %
Hot Wheels 0 0.00 %
Hybrid 0 0.00 %
Serial Racing 0 0.00 %
Custom Racing 2 0.50 %
Exceptional 0 0.00 %
F12 0 0.00 %
F6 0 0.00 %
Forced-Ind. V8 2 0.50 %
i6 2 0.50 %
Legendary Electr. 0 0.00 %
Rotary 2 0.50 %
V10 0 0.00 %
V12 2 0.50 %
V12 MPI 0 0.00 %
V16 0 0.00 %
W16 0 0.00 %
A8 icon tech 100 Tech cards by name
Early Tech 52 13.07 %
Initial Tech 46 11.56 %
Mid-Tech 2 0.50 %
Advanced Tech 0 0.00 %
Common Tech 0 0.00 %
Rare Tech 0 0.00 %
Pro Tech 0 0.00 %
A8 icon parts 238 Part cards by type
Tires 72 18.09 %
Suspension 56 14.07 %
Drivetrain 60 15.08 %
Exhaust 50 12.56 %
A8 icon parts 238 Part cards by class
Class D 88 22.11 %
Class C 68 17.09 %
Class B 70 17.59 %
Class A 4 1.01 %
Class S 8 2.01 %
A8 icon parts 238 Part cards by vehicle type
Car 230 57.79 %
Bike 8 2.01 %
This is an old box version. See Optimal Shuffle Box for the current version.

The Optimal Shuffle Box is a Pro Kit Box in Asphalt 8: Airborne. Together with the Optimal Split Box Optimal Split Box it has replaced the Free Box 1 Free Box 1 † and Free Box 2 Free Box 2 † in the Fifth Anniversary Update.


The Optimal Shuffle Box can be obtained by watching daily ads. Since the Fast Lane Update it is also rewarded for completing a single daily task.

Daily ads rewardsDaily ads rewards
May 30, 2019 – Mar 4, 2020
1 Double Credits 0 0.00 %
1 Nitro Starter 302 13.25 %
1 Tuning Kit 328 14.39 %
1 Extra Tank 0 0.00 %
1 Optimal Shuffle Box 263 11.54 %
1 Optimal Split Box 301 13.20 %
Tokens Tokens 474 20.79 %
Credits Credits 612 26.84 %
1 Asterion or Credits 150,000 0 0.00 %

Hidden rules[]

The box always grants 2 equal cards. It is not possible to obtain 2 different cards.

Wrong description[]

The German description of the box reads "Enthält 2 gewöhnliche Karten!" (Contains 2 common cards!). This is wrong—the box does grant rare and legendary cards, like in all other language versions. It is probably a badly adapted copy of the description of the Compact Shuffle Box Compact Shuffle Box which grants only common cards.



As the Optimal Shuffle Box always grants 2 equal cards and players can redraw up to two times, the probability of getting desired items is actually higher than suggested by the expected values in the A8BoxInfo box info. Especially for engines, players can increase the drop rate by rejecting all other cards.

Card pairs[]

As of the Fast Lane Update, the expected value of legendary cards in an Optimal Shuffle Box is 0.64 % = 0.0064. In boxes without guaranteed items, the expected value equals the probability of getting an item, so the chance of getting a legendary card from the box is also 0.0064.

  • In normal boxes, the chance of getting two legendary items (not necessarily the same, but both legendary) would be their probablity multiplied twice, thus 0.00642 = 0.00004096 which is less than 0.01 %.
  • But as the Optimal Shuffle Box always grants a card twice, the multiplication of probabilities does not apply: the chance of getting two equal legendary cards already is 0.64 %.
  • For comparison: The Random Box 2 Random Box 2 currently has a drop rate of legendary items of 3.22 % which is significantly higher than that of the Optimal Shuffle Box. But the probability of obtaining two legendary cards from a Random Box 2 is 0.03222 = 0,00103684 ≈ 0.10 % which is still less than the 0.64 % of the Optimal Shuffle Box.

If players are looking for several cards of the same kind, it can therefore be useful to open Optimal Shuffle Boxes before Random Boxes.


Probabilities for 3 draws[]

As of the Fast Lane Update, there are 136 different cards in the game. 24 of them are restricted blueprints, so the number of obtainable cards is 112. There are also specific weights assigned to each card, such as legendary cards appearing less often than common ones, or engines appearing less often than parts.

Thus, the chance of getting a specific pair of cards from an Optimal Shuffle Box with the first draw is 1 : 112 ⋅ w, with w being the weight. As w is only a factor that doesn't change during the draws, it can be neglected for now.

  • The chance of getting the desired pair with the first draw is 1 : 112 = 0.89 %.
  • If a player chooses to draw again, the card of the first draw will not be offered again, so the chance of getting the pair with the second draw is now 1 : 111 = 0.90 %.
  • Analogously, the chance of getting the pair with the third draw is 1 : 110 = 0.91 %.

As the player can get the pair three times in a row, the probabilities of each draw add up to

0.89 % + 0.90 % + 0.91 % = 2.7 %

This is much higher than the chance of 0.89 % that the player would have with only one draw.

Weighted probability[]

It is also possible to calculate the factor wL for legendary items:

  • Without the restricted blueprints, 23 of 112 cards in the game are currently legendary. So the chance of getting a legendary card should be 23 : 112 = 20.54 %.
  • According to the official drop rates of the box, however, the chance of getting a legendary card is 0.64 %,
  • thus wL = 0.0064 ⋅ 112 : 23 = 0.03117.

If the desired specific pair of cards from above is legendary, the weighted probability of getting it from an Optimal Shuffle Box is therefore 2.7 % ⋅ 0.03117 = 0.08 %. This result assumes that all legendary cards within the box have the same probability of appearing—which is almost certainly not the case, but this can only be verified with a statistical analysis.


The player could have opened a Random Box 2 Random Box 2 instead.

  • The chance of getting a pair of the desired card is (1 : 112)2 = 0.008 %.
  • The official drop rate of legendary items in a Random Box currently is 3.22 %, so wL = 0.0322 ⋅ 112 : 23 = 0.1568.
  • If the desired pair of cards is legendary, the weighted probability of getting it from a Random Box 2 is therefore 0.008 % ⋅ 0.1568 = 0.001 %, which is much less than the 0.08 % of the Optimal Shuffle Box.


The official drop rates of the Optimal Shuffle Box only show the expected values for one draw and do not reflect the hidden rule that a card always appears twice and that a player can draw up to 3 times. The statistical outcome if a player is looking for several items of the same kind will therefore be higher than the numbers given in the A8BoxInfo box info. If players have both Optimal Shuffle Boxes and other boxes, they should consider opening the Optimal Shuffle Boxes first.


The statistical analysis of the Optimal Shuffle Box highly depends on players' preferences as they can influence the outcome of the experiment by redrawing if they do not want the result of a previous draw. Therefore results for this box are always biased.

But it can be assumed that there is a certain consensus among players if they aren't looking for one specific card and reject all others: Players will ususually take a card and not redraw if

  • a legendary or rare card is offered,
  • an Engine card is offered,
  • a Tech card other than Early or Initial Tech is offered,
  • a blueprint is offered for a vehicle that the player doesn't have yet.

Therefore it can be predicted that the statistical values will generally show a bias towards the above-mentioned cards.

The data set serving as a base for this statistical analysis was built when the blueprint restrictions were active (the game didn't grant certain blueprints). Therefore

  • all blueprints were rejected and
  • all Part cards (including most rare ones) were rejected in favour of possibly following engines.
  • However, all Engine cards as well as all rare and legendary Tech cards were kept without further draw.

As a consequence, the outcome of rare items is lower and that of legendary items is higher than predicted by the official drop rates.


Blueprints by box type
Dec 11, 2018 – Mar 17, 2019
Super Racer Kit Box Super Racer Kit Box † 21.20 %
Ultra Fusion Box Ultra Fusion Box † 19.85 %
Random Box 1-5 Random Box 1-5 13.24 %
Starter Fusion Box Starter Fusion Box † 13.02 %
Extra Fusion Box Extra Fusion Box † 7.76 %
Specialist Kit Box Specialist Kit Box 7.11 %
Champion Kit Box Champion Kit Box 6.67 %
Daily Kit Box Daily Kit Box † 0.00 %
Finish Line Box Finish Line Box 0.00 %

The results for blueprints are not representative because they were only taken when it was inevitable. Therefore the Optimal Shuffle Box is not included in the bar chart to the right. Besides, blueprints are generally quite rare in this box and are mostly common because of the high drop rate of common items. Players searching for rare and legendary blueprints are advised to open other boxes instead.


Enginges by box type
Dec 11, 2018 – Mar 18, 2019
Finish Line Box Finish Line Box 31.56 %
Optimal Shuffle Box Optimal Shuffle Box 12.97 %
Champion Kit Box Champion Kit Box 12.33 %
Daily Kit Box Daily Kit Box † 10.00 %
Random Box 1-5 Random Box 1-5 7.01 %
Ultra Fusion Box Ultra Fusion Box † 6.65 %
Starter Fusion Box Starter Fusion Box † 6.51 %
Super Racer Kit Box Super Racer Kit Box † 6.13 %
Extra Fusion Box Extra Fusion Box † 5.49 %
Specialist Kit Box Specialist Kit Box 5.33 %

If a player rejects all cards but engines, it is possible to increase their total drop rate significantly. This strategy makes the Optimal Shuffle Box one of the boxes with the highest engine drop rates, including legendary engines like V12 or Forced-Induction V8.


Due to the high percentage of common items in the box, it is generally not advised to open the Optimal Shuffle Box if players are looking for Tech cards. They will most probably get only Early or Initial Tech (see Tech cards by type in infobox).


The Optimal Shuffle Box mostly grants common Class D, C or B parts. It is not recommended to open it for rare Class A or S parts (see Part cards by class in infobox).

See also[]


WikiProject Statistics
The statistical data on this page is part of WikiProject Statistics.
It contains original research which may be incomplete, incorrect or biased.

