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Showdown is a race mode added in its namesake update. The game mode adds power-ups that can be used during a race.


The Showdown race mode is a Classic race with power cores on the track that can be driven through to obtain power-ups. After driving through a core, there will be a short delay as the boost picked up is selected (displayed as two arrows surrounding the power-up circle). There are 8 types of power-ups that can be picked up, though only two can be held at a time. The power-ups can be used to speed up (Hyperboost), protect your vehicle from other players' attacks (Force Field, and occasionally Hyperboost, Pulsewave and Disruptor) and wreck other players (Surge Strike, Comet, Disruptor, Hyperboost, and Pulsewave). Some boosts can be used for both offense and defense such as the Disruptor. The goal is to finish the race first by effectively using power-ups to dominate your opponents.


  • Comet: Pursues opponents with an energy pulse, slowing them down upon contact.
  • Force Field: Shields user from opponent's Power-Ups and collisions for a short time!
  • Disruptor: Slows down opponents caught within its range!
  • Pulsewave: Emits an energy wave around the user, tackling opponents within range!
  • Hyperboost: User becomes invulnerable and extremely fast for a short time!
  • Surge Strike: Automatically targets the opponent in first place, slowing them down upon contact!

Note: "Slowing down" means Wrecking the vehicle.

Power-up mechanics

  • Comet: Can be nullified by a Force Field, Hyperboost, Disruptor, and a well-timed Pulsewave.
  • Force Field: Neutralizes every power-up and Wrecking but is destroyed after a single hit.
  • Disruptor: Can be nullified by a Force Field, Surge Strike, Hyperboost and a well-timed Pulsewave. Can neutralize a Comet.
  • Pulsewave: Can be nullified by a Surge Strike. Can neutralize a Disruptor or Comet. 
  • Hyperboost: Speeds up the vehicle to 310 mph / 498 kmh but makes steering erratic. Hitting an opponent when a Hyperboost is active will deal a knockdown. Can neutralize other power-ups.
  • Surge Strike: Can be nullified by a Force Field and Hyperboost. Can also neutralize a Pulsewave or Disruptor if these Power-Ups are being charged/deployed.


  • Pulsewave, Disruptor (in deployment) and Hyperboost will be ended if the player wrecks.
  • There is a delay for the Disruptor, Pulsewave and Surge Strike between activation and being in effect.

Obtaining power-ups

Obtaining: Depending on the player's position in the race, they stand a higher chance to get certain boosts to balance out the game. A player that is in last or 2nd last place is more likely to get a Hyperboost or Surge Strike. Midfield players (2nd-4th, but depending on total racers) get the Comet and Pulsewave more often. 1st position players normally get Disruptors, Force Fields and Pulsewaves. Note that although these are standard throughout all Showdown races, this is only a guideline and there are exceptions to this general rule.

To activate a power-up, the icon has to be tapped for mobile platforms while Windows uses the V and B keys for the left and right slot respectively.


  • Comet: Should only be activated when it has locked on to the opponent. Comets shouldn't be used when there are multiple vehicles in front of as the aiming system may jump to a different opponent.
  • Force field: Should only be used against a Surge Strike. Ineffective against a Pulswave as the Force Field will be destroyed after the first wave. As Pulswaves deal multiple hits when active, this leaves the player vulnerable to being shocked.
  • Disruptor: Should be placed in narrow passages to increase the chances of contact with an opponent. Can also be placed before shortcuts or in front of ramps to force opponents to avoid racing into those areas.
  • Pulsewave: Should be only used when opponents are in close range as its range is limited. Neutralizing a Comet or Disruptor requires precise timing.
  • Hyperboost: Should be used on straight stretches of track as the vehicle will steer erratically on its own.
  • Surge strike: Only effective if the player is between second and last place. If two Surge Strikes are activated closely, the second strike will target the player in second place.

Tutorial Screens

Loading Screen Tips

Race Types in Asphalt 8: Airborne
Classic (Unplugged, Flawless, Tag Racing, and Grand Finale) - Versus (Ultimate AI Challenge and Ace Race) - Elimination - Knockdown - Infected - Gate Drift - Time Attack/Auto-start - Showdown