Asphalt Wiki

Nothing to see here. It's only my playground for future articles or blog posts.

Everything on this page is a draft and will be deleted when the final post is published.

If you do see something here, it's probably a blog post in the making. Feel free to comment, corrections are welcome!


Code clipboard[]

// Attempts to get a CSS variable into page code
// Sanitizer doesn't allow simple
// <span style="color:var(--test)">Example text</span>
$("div").click(function() {
    var color = $(this).css("background-color");
    $( "#result" ).html("That div is <span style='color:" +
    color + ";'>" + color + "</span>.");
$(".testclass").css("color", returnVar("--test"));
$(function() {
    $("#bingo").html("The value of --test is: "
    + returnVar("--test") + ".");
function returnVar(varName) {
    return window.getComputedStyle(document.documentElement).getPropertyValue(varName);
    // jQuery doesn't work:
    // return $(":root").css("--test") + " (jQuery)";

Drop Rates Explained: 5th Anniversary (V)

This is part V of a series on the maths behind drop rates.

This part continues the explanations of part IV


If you have questions or find mistakes: Feel free to comment!

Formula collection[]

Here are all the formulas from the previous parts in a nutshell.

: expected value of the desired random item (percentage in the A8BoxInfoAnniversaryBundle box info)
: expected value of all guaranteed items (sum of all guaranteed percentages in the A8BoxInfoAnniversaryBundle box info)
: probability of
  • Number of possibilities (permutations) when buying boxes with random items
    (Part III, Permutation):
: number of boxes
: number of random items of a kind granted per box
  • Number of combinations of a random item in a set of boxes
    (Part III, Combination):
: number of boxes
: number of items in the combination
  • Number of possible combinations of a minimum number of a desired item from several boxes
    (Part III, Combination):
: number of desired items
: number of boxes
  • Probability of one combination in a set of boxes
    (Part III, Probability):
: probability of getting the desired item
: number of desired items
: number of boxes
  • Probability of getting a minimum number of a desired item from several boxes
    (Part III, Probability):
: probability of getting the desired item
: number of desired items
: number of boxes


Statistical test[]

Did the calculations withstand the real numbers of items found in opened boxes?

Further questions[]

Everyday example
Binary numbers are just permutations of 0 and 1.

The Asphalt 8 Box Calculator[]


